

A girl and a boy have a conversation on Facebook. 
1- Trick or Treat
2-t reat treat treat
1- dang 
2- here's the thing
here's the thing
1- wait, where
2- I have to write a dialogue between two people about anything i want .....
but i don't know what i want
1- women never seem to so that's not too surprising
2- don't worry, no offense taken
1- Haha I didn't think so... SO what are your ideas
2- you see that's the thing..
i have none
1- Ahhhhhhh
2- MAYBE i should just copy and paste this conversation.
1- Haha that would be so smooth. I mean it does fit the criteria. A dialogue. Between two people. I'm a person, you're a person
2- Oh my gosh you're right. Now i'm being all careful about what I say to you cause I think I'm actually going to go with that idea. Facebook is so helpful.
1- So what should I say?
2- Say whatever you want to say I guess...
1- Well I'd like to say that the Jazz destroyed tonight
and that I went Ice Skating last Friday and it was great
2- Let it out, anything you want my fellow bloggers to know. p.s. I'm happy for you.
1- Well in that case, I'd like to thank my parents for allowing me to survive 19 years
2- Haha, and I'd like to thank my parents for being brave enough to try again after having my older brother. Lucky for them, they got me.
1- That is lucky isn't it. I'd like to un-thank my parents for succeeding four more times after me
2-I'm sorry about those four times. Make the best of them. Well, this should complete my assignment. So... I'll probably keep talking to you. Just know that this is over.
1-No, I'm not finished yet!!!
Okay, now I am



Direct Orders

Here's what I need you to do. 
You are under direct orders to rock the frick out. 
Rock out like you have cool socks on.
Like you've got a full tank of gas and you have service in Lake Powell.
Rock out like you just built theee smoothest fort.
Rock out like you just laughed a six pack.
Or like you're at Del Taco and oh my gosh it's 3:00 A.M.
And like you just woke up on the set of Baby Mama.
Rock out like you are proud of that blonde moment.
Like 13 people are messaging you on Facebook.
Like it's Monday night and Gossip Girl is on.
Rock out like the people do when I walk in the room.
Rock out like you just dumped your boyfriend who cheated.
And like you got the one you want and like the one you got rocked out cause they got you.
Rock out like you're funemployed and the consequence hasn't hit you yet.
Or like you just got a date with Ashton Kutcher.
Like Michael Jackson is only hiding.
And like you just graduated from mother freakin high school.
Rock out like you're in a limo and the techno tunes are BUMPIN.
Like you just downloaded a FREE app.
Or like someone who is really good at rocking out is rocking out with you.
Like you're freakin loaded.
Or like when you come into service range and texts in the double digits are blowin up your phone.
Rock out like that annoying chick moved off to college.
Like you just woke up and the clock already struck 10:00.
And like you still have cool socks on.
Or like google looks really cool today.
Rock out like you're dreaming.
Or rock out like it was just a dream.

Shake The Dust

This one,
This is for the chatterboxes who have lisps.
This is for the bikini wearers with big hips.
And for the red light that isn’t good enough to be green.
This is for the innocent who are proven guilty, and for the innocent who need to be proved.
For the girl who loves him who loves a different her.
And for the big sisters who’s little sisters are prettier than them.
Shake the dust.
This one is for the doormats and for those who feel like they need to walk all over them.
For the team who wasn’t supposed to win, and didn’t.
This is for everyone that is wrong, but is actually right.
Shake the dust.
This is for the only kid out of the group that got caught.
For the guy who just couldn’t get the clue.
And for the traffic directors who have better things to do.
This is for the old people who’s bodies make more sounds than a truck.
And for the popcorn machine that gives and gives and gives, and the only thing that comes back to it, it gives.
For those who pour their broken hearts into yet another waste.
Shake the dust.
This is for those who use their hands for hearing and dogs for seeing, wheels for legs and for those who have to beg.
Shake the dust.
This is for those who had one they loved, then lost. And lost. And lost. And lost.
Shake the dust.
This is for the rich, the poor, even the mediocre.
Shake the dust.
This is for everyone out there who has dust to shake, and dust collects everywhere so everyone will take their turn to shake.
My dust collects at different times than your dust.
Eventually your dust will need to be shaken again. And again. And again.
So when the fire has worked its way down the match and is about to burn you with its flame, shake it.
Shake it.
And the relief will overwhelm you when you throw the match away, knowing that you just threw away your stress, struggles, trials and fears.
So shake it away, then again another day.